

We’ve compiled a comprehensive list of frequently asked questions for you. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, contact us at

Why should I care about distributing my music to connected devices?2024-04-24T09:35:00+00:00

Distributing your music to connected devices, especially those manufactured in China, is strategically important for several reasons:

Massive Market Penetration: China is the world’s leading exporter of connected devices, including smart speakers, smart TVs, and electric vehicles, all of which are equipped with advanced multimedia capabilities. The global market share held by these Chinese-manufactured devices is substantial, meaning your music gains the potential to be accessed by a vast and growing audience worldwide.

Unique Access Points: These devices often serve as primary access points for entertainment in homes and vehicles, places where traditional streaming services may not be the default option. By integrating your music into these ecosystems, you capture listeners at moments of high engagement—whether they’re relaxing at home or commuting—increasing the likelihood of your music being played and appreciated.

Untapped Audiences: Many users of these devices in less mature markets may not actively use traditional streaming DSPs, either due to preference or the unique nature of the device interfaces, which often prioritize different streaming services or built-in media solutions. This presents an opportunity to reach an audience that might be otherwise difficult to engage through standard music distribution channels.

Strategic Positioning: As digital consumption habits evolve, being present on these devices positions you at the forefront of the next wave of music distribution innovation. This forward-thinking approach not only sets you apart from your peers but also aligns your brand with cutting-edge technology and market trends.

Global Reach with Local Impact: While these devices are exported globally, they often come with localized features and content recommendations. This can increase your music’s exposure in specific markets, particularly in your home markets, providing a strategic advantage in both broad and targeted audience engagement.

Why is Microsync Distribution labeled distribution?2024-04-24T08:37:38+00:00

The term “distribution” in Microsync Distribution encapsulates our approach to strategically disseminate and manage your music across a diverse array of platforms and with numerous digital service providers on a broad scale.

Unlike traditional synchronization which often involves negotiating single, often large-scale, end-usage deals (such as a specific track placement in a film or a one-time advertisement campaign), Microsync Distribution is designed to secure multiple synchronization licenses across a spectrum of uses.

This approach taps into a more dynamic and continuous revenue stream, aligning your music with various multimedia projects like online videos, games, and smaller-scale commercial uses simultaneously. This method not only broadens the exposure of your music but also enhances the potential for consistent and compounded earnings, diverging from the hit-or-miss nature of traditional sync deals.

Who can benefit from signing for Music Library sales?2024-07-15T09:33:39+00:00

Artists, producers, and labels seeking broader exposure and new revenue opportunities will find significant value in signing a Music Library Agreement with Kanjian. This non-exclusive arrangement enables you to retain the rights to your music while allowing us to distribute it across a diverse range of media platforms globally. It’s particularly beneficial for those looking to penetrate markets in TV, films, video games, and commercials, where synchronization rights can offer substantial earnings. The agreement is designed to complement, not replace, your existing distribution channels, providing a no-risk avenue to increase your music’s reach and profitability without forfeiting other opportunities. Whether you’re an emerging artist eager to get heard or an established label looking to maximize assets, the MLA is structured to enhance your current operations by seamlessly integrating with your broader commercial strategy.

Who can benefit from Publishing Administration Services?2024-05-11T04:03:00+00:00

Any individual or entity that holds or controls exclusive rights of use, including publishing rights for compositions, lyrics, music sheets, etc., within the agreed territories.

Which territories does Kanjian manage neighboring rights?2024-05-11T04:05:19+00:00

Kanjian manages neighboring rights in China.

What types of revenue can I expect from neighboring rights collections?2024-05-11T04:04:52+00:00

Partnering with Kanjian for neighboring rights collections allows you to generate revenue from two primary sources:

Performance Royalties: Collected from venues like bars, clubs, radio stations, and TV broadcasters that play your music publicly.

Mechanical Royalties: Derived from the use of your recordings in various media that require reproduction, such as TV shows and movies.

What type of music or artists do you see this working best for?2024-04-24T09:27:49+00:00

This model is particularly beneficial for artists and labels with diverse or extensive catalogs that may not have mainstream appeal but hold value for specific uses, like background music for videos, podcasts, or commercial projects. It’s also ideal for music with cultural specificity or thematic uniqueness, which can thrive on platforms seeking varied content to cater to broad audiences.


What territories does Kanjian’s Publishing Administration Service cover?2024-05-11T04:02:03+00:00

Our service coverage is global, enabling your compositions to earn royalties worldwide. We leverage our international network to manage your rights and collect revenues from every corner of the globe, ensuring comprehensive market reach.

What stores are served under Microsync Distribution?2024-04-24T08:37:57+00:00

Microsync distribution targets a unique range of digital service providers where music enhances the user experience but isn’t the primary focus. Unlike traditional platforms centered around streaming and downloading, our distribution network includes diverse categories of services where music plays a supporting yet vital role.

Here’s a select list of the stores we work with:

Video Editing: VivaVideo, StoryCut, Duitang, VideoShow, Ying Yin, Tong Hua, CapCut, Wondershare, Filmora, FilmoraGo, Filmstock

Stock Media: Visual China, 58pic, 588ku, CoolVox, Ooopic, Gaopin Images, Gaoding Design, iSHEJI, ZCOOL HelloRF, New Studios

Niche Services: Le Fit, YESOUL, Daily Yoga, Keep, SUPERMONKEY, Duo Deer, Hidooro, New Oriental Kids +, Baby tree, Nanjing Haibang

Productivity/Cloud Kingsoft: WPS, Ding Talk, WinAll, Rabbit Show, Alibaba Cloud, Agora, ZegoCloud

Other: KilaKila, XIRON, Taewah, LinknLink, Qi E Hao, Dian Yin, Baizhishan Technology, Air China, Aobai

+ many more

What stores are served under Connected Devices Distribution?2024-04-24T09:34:50+00:00

Connected Devices Distribution serves a distinct and diverse array of platforms that aren’t traditionally recognized as stores but function as key access points for music consumption. This includes a wide variety of smart devices such as smart TVs, smart speakers, and electric vehicles equipped with integrated entertainment systems. These platforms form their own unique ecosystems, separate from traditional digital music stores.

Unlike typical online music stores that rely on apps like Spotify or Apple Music, the platforms we target with Connected Devices Distribution are embedded directly into the hardware of the devices. This means your music can be accessed through the device’s native multimedia system, providing a seamless user experience that enhances engagement and increases the likelihood of your tracks being played.

Our approach ensures your music is not only present but potentially featured across these devices, which are increasingly becoming the center of many users’ audiovisual experiences at home, in their cars, and even via portable devices. This strategic placement allows you to reach audiences that are otherwise untapped by conventional music distribution channels.

What rights does the client grant to Kanjian under this service?2024-05-11T04:02:19+00:00

By entering into this agreement, you grant Kanjian exclusive rights to administer and exploit your musical compositions. This includes securing licenses for mechanical reproductions, public performances, and synchronizations, thereby maximizing your potential revenue from these streams.

What platforms does Starcast support?2022-08-15T07:13:43+00:00

Starcast covers 300 platforms, covering more than 200 countries around the world and 95% of the global music market.

To see our full list of channels please navigate here

What platforms does Kanjian’s Digital Distribution cover?2024-05-11T04:13:21+00:00

Kanjian’s digital distribution network extends to over 300 digital platforms worldwide. Beyond major global DSPs such as Spotify, Apple, and Amazon, Kanjian’s network offers arguably the most comprehensive coverage in East Asia, espeacially in the Chinese music market. This comprehensive coverage ensures that your music not only reaches a diverse and wide-ranging audience across different geographies but also penetrates deep into the East Asian music market.

What makes these connected devices an opportunity I shouldn’t miss?2024-04-24T09:21:25+00:00

Unlike traditional music platforms, these connected devices create isolated listening environments where conventional streaming apps aren’t available. It’s an untapped market with fewer competitors and a rapidly growing user base. As these devices gain popularity, being one of the early adopters of this distribution model positions you advantageously to capture and engage a fresh audience.

What makes Kanjian’s Digital Distribution unique?2024-05-11T04:12:39+00:00

Kanjian distinguishes itself through several unique advantages:

  • Technology and Transparency: Kanjian’s most unique asset is it’s automated music licensing and management infrastructure. It makes the entire process of rights management easy. It ensures detailed reporting and transparency, allowing you to easily track your music’s performance and earnings.
  • Unmatched Access & Monetization in China: China offers immense potential for music rights holders. Kanjian boasts the most comprehensive digital distribution network in the region, maximizing your revenue by leveraging our direct relationships with local service providers.
  • All-in-One Platform: Beyond digital distribution, Kanjian provides sync licensing, publishing administration, neighboring rights management and promotional services, enabling our clients to manage and monitor their catalog in one place, offering a holistic approach to rights management.
What makes Kanjian a good choice for neighboring rights collection in China?2024-05-11T04:04:14+00:00

Kanjian stands out as a preferred partner for neighboring rights collection in China due to our long-standing relationships with local authorities and a deep understanding of the Chinese music market. With over a decade of experience connecting international rightsholders with the Chinese music market, and our expertise in local legal and regulatory frameworks enables us to navigate and manage your rights effectively. Moreover, our integrated music licensing automation infrastructure ensures transparency and provides detailed reports, giving rightsholders control over their music’s performance and earnings.

What is the scope of usage included in the Music Library sales?2024-07-15T09:34:10+00:00

The Music Library sales include broad licensing options that cover various uses across multiple platforms, ensuring your music reaches diverse audiences and applications. The detailed usage scope includes:


  • TV and Movies background music
  • Advertising background music
  • Games and APP background music


  • Short video and VLOG background music
  • Live broadcasting background music
  • Company website, company media production, and homepage background music
  • H5, PowerPoint, GIF, picture, photo album, design template background music
  • Online literature, online comic book background music
  • New media background music

Public Performance:

  • Background music service to locations and venues including, but not limited to, retail shops, commercial businesses, airplanes, pubs, restaurants, and hotel rooms, etc.
  • Perform music in live performance (including dramatic and non-dramatic public performance of Musical Works)

Audio Production:

  • Audio-books background music
  • Radio programs background music
  • Podcast production

Built-in Music:

  • Mobile phone built-in music
  • Hardware device and smart device built-in music

Cover Song:

  • Make a faithful cover version

* New media includes all forms of digital media, including all digital traditional media, network media, mobile media, digital television, digital newspapers and magazines.

This comprehensive usage scope is designed to cater to a wide range of platforms and media types, providing ample opportunities for artists to monetize their work in diverse and innovative ways.

What is the process for clearing music for the Music Library?2024-05-11T04:07:05+00:00

We aim to clear sync licenses efficiently, often securing approvals within 24-72 hours for pre-approved agreements. For more complex deals or situations involving multiple rightsholders, we work closely with clients to facilitate the clearance process.

What is Music Library sales?2024-07-15T09:34:52+00:00

The Music Library sales offer a non-exclusive partnership, broadening the landscape for your music by incorporating it into diverse digital experiences. This spans across various platforms, including TV, movies, games, apps, videos, and synchronization opportunities for media and advertisements. It’s designed to open up new revenue streams and propel your music into global markets, reaching new, expansive audiences. Most importantly, it works alongside your existing digital distribution deal.

What exactly is Publishing Administration?2024-05-11T04:03:15+00:00

We offer a comprehensive management of your entire digital content portfolio. This service encompasses catalog encoding, metadata management, precise data processing, and robust protection against third-party infringements. Our aim is to safeguard your works while optimizing revenue opportunities across various platforms.

What exactly is Microsync Distribution?2024-04-24T08:38:04+00:00

Microsync distribution is a specialized music synchronization service that licenses tracks across various digital platforms distinct from traditional streaming or download services like Spotify, Apple Music, or YouTube. This service targets alternative digital uses, ensuring broader and versatile application of your music catalog beyond conventional channels.

What exactly is Connected Devices Distribution?2024-04-24T09:09:46+00:00

Connected Devices Distribution is a unique approach that extends the reach of your music by integrating it into connected devices manufactured in China, such as electric vehicles, smart TVs, smart speakers. These devices are part of distinct ecosystems, separate from traditional digital service providers like Spotify or Apple Music. By partnering with us, your music becomes accessible on these platforms, potentially featuring prominently across a wide array of devices globally.

What do I need to do to get started with Microsync Distribution?2024-04-24T09:27:53+00:00

To begin with Microsync Distribution, you’ll need to ensure both your master and publishing rights are fully cleared for synchronization. This means securing a synchronization license that includes:

  1. Master Rights: These are the rights to the actual sound recording of your music. You must have the authority, either as the rights holder or with permission from the rights holder, to license these recordings for use in various media formats.
  2. Publishing Rights: These involve the musical composition, lyrics, and any underlying works of your music. It’s essential that these rights are also cleared, which involves coordinating with songwriters, composers, and, in many cases, music publishers.

With both sets of rights secured, we can then distribute your music to digital service providers across our network, where it can be used in a range of projects. Our team will guide you through the process of documentation and verification to ensure all your tracks are ready for synchronization and compliant with legal requirements.


What do I need to do to get started with Connected Devices Distribution?2024-04-24T09:34:16+00:00

To get started with Connected Devices Distribution, you’ll need to ensure both your master and publishing rights are fully cleared for distribution. This includes securing a comprehensive license that encompasses:

Master Rights: These are the rights to the actual sound recordings of your music. You must hold the authority, either as the rights holder or through permission granted by the rights holder, to license these recordings for integration into various connected devices like smart TVs, smart speakers, and electric vehicles.

Publishing Rights: This pertains to the musical composition, lyrics, and any underlying works of your music. It is crucial that these rights are also fully managed and cleared, which requires coordination with songwriters, composers, and potentially music publishers.

By securing both sets of rights, we can streamline the distribution of your music across an extensive network of connected devices manufactured primarily in China but distributed globally. This approach not only facilitates legal compliance but also enhances your music’s accessibility on these platforms, ensuring it reaches a wider audience effectively.

What are the Starcast distribution terms?2022-06-28T10:10:49+00:00

Fee: No service fee or annual fees

Service Area: Global (optional area)

Cooperation Model: Revenue share

Revenue Share: Artist retains 80% of revenue

Reporting and Billing: Monthly

Term: 3 years

Contract: Exclusive

What are the Starcast publishing terms?2022-06-28T10:24:23+00:00

Fee: No service fee or annual fees

Service Area: Greater China

Cooperation Model: Revenue share

Revenue Share: Artist retains 60% of revenue

Term: 3 years

Contract: Exclusive

What are the business terms of Starlink?2021-09-28T04:26:39+00:00

The business terms depend on the needs of the client.

What are the business terms for the Music Library sales?2024-07-15T09:33:13+00:00

The business terms for Music Library sales are designed to be straightforward and rightsholder-friendly, ensuring transparency and fairness in our clientship. Here are the key terms:

  • Fees: We operate on a revenue-sharing model. Our standard commission is 30% of the net revenue generated from each sync license your music secures. This means we only earn when you earn, aligning our interests with yours to maximize your revenue.
  • Non-Exclusive License: The Music Library license granted is non-exclusive, allowing you the flexibility to distribute your music through other channels simultaneously. You maintain ownership of your music and can explore additional revenue streams outside of our agreement.
  • Term and Termination: The standard contract duration is one year, with automatic annual renewals. Either party may terminate the agreement by providing three months’ written notice before the current term expires.
What are the business terms for publishing administration?2024-05-11T04:00:28+00:00

Our business terms are crafted to promote transparency and maximize your earnings:

Fees: We operate on a commission basis, where Kanjian receives a percentage of the net revenue collected from your music’s use.

Term and Renewal: The initial term of our agreement lasts three years, with automatic annual renewals thereafter. You may terminate the agreement with a 60-day notice before the end of the current term if desired.

Scope of Rights: You provide Kanjian the exclusive authority to administer your compositions across all agreed territories, ensuring effective and streamlined rights management.

What are the business terms for Neighboring Rights Collection?2024-05-11T04:04:05+00:00

We operate on a revenue-sharing model. Our standard commission is 15% of the net revenue generated from performance and mechanical royalties your music secures in China.

What are the business terms for Microsync Distribution?2024-04-24T09:00:03+00:00

The business terms for Microsync Distribution are designed to be straightforward and rightsholder-friendly, ensuring transparency and fairness in our partnership. Here are the key terms we typically include:

Fees: We operate on a revenue-sharing model. Our standard commission is 30% of the net revenue generated from each sync license your music secures. This means we only earn when you earn, aligning our interests with yours to maximize your revenue.

Non-Exclusive License: The Microsync Distribution license you grant us is non-exclusive, allowing you the flexibility to continue distributing your music through other channels simultaneously. You maintain ownership of your music and are free to explore additional revenue streams outside of our agreement.

Term and Termination: The standard contract duration is one year from the date of signing, automatically renewable unless either party opts out with a 30-day notice before the renewal date. You can terminate the agreement with a 60-day notice if you find that our services no longer meet your needs. This gives you the freedom to reassess your participation without being locked into a long-term commitment.

What are the business terms for Digital Distribution?2024-05-11T04:11:29+00:00

We offer a competitive 80/20 revenue split in favor of you with a standard contract term of three years. We actively work to promote your new releases, including pitches to DSPs for editorial playlist inclusion.

Is the whole digital space covered?2022-04-20T09:05:33+00:00

Kanjian promotional services cover the entire digital space to ensure comprehensive marketing.

How can I monitor my advertisement?2023-12-07T08:41:20+00:00

You can monitor your advertisement through our comprehensive reports, which enable you to analyze data and make informed future decisions.

Will I have direct communication with promotion team?2023-12-07T08:41:51+00:00

Yes, you will have direct communication with our fast-responding promotion team, who will assist you throughout the process.

Do I need to split revenue with Kanjian if my track becomes popular?2022-06-14T06:58:40+00:00

No further splits even if your music becomes smash hits.

Are there recurring fees?2023-12-07T08:39:27+00:00

There are no recurring fees. You only pay a one-off service fee for the promotion.

Can I customize my promotion?2023-12-07T08:40:34+00:00

Our plans are highly customizable and tailored to your needs. Please contact our team to discuss your exact requirements.

I have an existing distribution agreement, can I still work with Kanjian?2024-05-11T04:13:13+00:00

Absolutely. Kanjian can complement your current distribution setup by targeting regions and DSPs that your existing agreements may not cover. This flexibility allows you to expand your music’s reach without disrupting any current partnerships or strategies.

How will I track the performance of my music?2024-04-24T09:35:58+00:00

We provide all our clients with access to a dashboard where you can monitor the usage of your tracks, track earnings in real-time, and view detailed analytics about where and how your music is being utilized. This transparency allows you to see exactly what you’re earning and how your music is performing across different platforms.

How often does Kanjian distribute royalty payments and statements?2024-05-11T04:01:46+00:00

Kanjian provides royalty payments and detailed statements quarterly. Within ninety (90) days following the end of each calendar quarter, we deliver a comprehensive breakdown of all royalties due, facilitating clear and consistent financial planning for our clients.

How often are royalties reported and paid for Music Library placements?2024-05-11T04:07:29+00:00

We report and pay royalties on a quarterly basis. Royalty payments are made within 30 days after the invoice is submitted by the client, following the delivery of the royalty statement. This setup helps ensure that you have regular and timely updates on your earnings​​.

How long does it take for my release to go live2021-12-14T07:42:21+00:00

Each channel has its own protocols. Therefore each channel will take a different amount of time to process the release.

To ensure the release goes online on the correct date we recommend:

Allowing 14 working days for Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan.

Allowing 21 working days for overseas channels.

How long does it take for my music to go live on digital platforms once I sign up?2024-05-11T04:11:46+00:00

The time it takes for your music to be live on digital platforms can vary but generally ranges from a few days to several weeks, depending on the DSPs. We provide scheduling options to coordinate releases across platforms effectively.

How does Microsync Distribution handle usage reporting and accounting?2024-04-24T09:03:01+00:00

Microsync Distribution adopts a reporting and accounting framework that mirrors what you’d expect from digital distribution platforms, making the transition smooth for those already familiar with digital music revenues. Unlike traditional synchronization, which often depends on sporadic, large-scale deals, Microsync Distribution focuses on a high volume of microtransactions. This means that every use of your music—whether it’s in a social media video, a podcast intro, or a mobile app background—generates a small payment, similar to how streaming works.

How does Microsync Distribution differ from standard synchronization?2024-04-24T09:03:24+00:00

Microsync Distribution is a specialized form of synchronization that is designed to handle large volumes of copyrights on a scalable level. Unlike standard synchronization, which typically involves negotiating individual sync licenses for each use case—often a time-consuming and costly process—Microsync Distribution simplifies and streamlines this by enabling the licensing of numerous tracks simultaneously through a single platform.

How does Kanjian promote music in the Music Library for sync opportunities?2024-05-11T04:06:45+00:00

Kanjian promotes music in the Music Library for sync opportunities through various methods:

  • Direct pitching and sales meetings with TV/film companies, ad agencies, and other potential licensees.
  • Utilization of online platforms such as Coolvox (Kanjian’s sync licensing platform) and clientships with other stock music libraries.
  • Playlists curated for sync opportunities.
  • Newsletters targeting industry professionals.
  • Campaigns on social media platforms and DSPs (Digital Service Providers).
How does Kanjian handle sync licenses for the Music Library?2024-05-11T04:07:15+00:00

Kanjian actively secures sync licenses by directly pitching your music for various media projects, including films, TV shows, commercials, and games. We maintain a policy of obtaining your approval for significant opportunities, ensuring transparency and collaboration in every deal.

How does Kanjian handle customer support and queries regarding digital distribution?2024-05-11T04:11:07+00:00

We offer responsive customer support through email communication and scheduled calls. We provide personalized support and introduce our clients to team members with specific expertise to assist with any inquiries related to digital distribution.

How does Kanjian collect neighboring rights royalties in China?2024-05-11T04:05:07+00:00

We collect neighboring rights royalties in China by collaborating with CAVCA(China Audio-Video Copyright Association) directly. We assist in the administrative processes required to claim mechanical and performance royalties for sound recordings ensuring you are fully compensated for every penny you are owed. This process includes gathering necessary metadata like artist names, track titles, ISRC codes, ownership percentages, and audio files.

How does Connected Devices Distribution handle usage reporting and accounting?2024-04-24T09:34:45+00:00

Connected Devices Distribution adopts a reporting and accounting framework what you’d expect from digital distribution platforms.

How does Connected Devices Distribution differ from standard digital distribution?2024-04-24T09:25:43+00:00

Standard digital distribution typically revolves around making your music available on traditional DSPs like Spotify, Apple Music, and Amazon Music. These platforms are accessible through various devices and apps globally. In contrast, Connected Devices Distribution targets specific ecosystems built into devices such as electric vehicles, smart TVs, and smart speakers. These platforms often have their unique interfaces and may not support the traditional DSP apps, meaning your music needs to be integrated directly into their systems.

How do I sign-up for Starlink?2021-09-28T04:27:28+00:00

Please get in touch with us to schedule a call and start harnessing Starlink.

How do I sign-up for Starcast?2022-06-10T07:36:09+00:00

Click “Start Selling” to begin your Starcast journey.

Alternatively, log onto the official website of Starcast, click register on the upper right corner of the page, and use your personal email address to register an account.

How do I get started with Kanjian’s neighboring rights collection?2024-05-11T04:03:36+00:00

To begin Neighboring Rights Collection with Kanjian, fill in the registeration form below to create your Kanjian account, and select the option “I agree with the Neighboring Rights Administration Online Terms and Conditions.” Once you are logged in, simply follow the onboarding steps on the platform. If you’ve any questions or need help, contact us at:

How can Microsync Distribution specifically increase my earnings?2024-04-24T08:37:52+00:00

Microsync distribution enhances your earnings by licensing your music directly to digital services, where your tracks are being used in various projects, from social media content to corporate videos. You earn money when end-users incorporate your music into their projects.

How can I track the performance of my recordings and the royalties earned?2024-05-11T04:03:54+00:00

We provide all our clients with access to a dashboard where you can monitor the usage of your tracks, track earnings in real-time, and view detailed analytics about where and how your music is being utilized. This transparency allows you to see exactly what you’re earning and how your music is performing across different platforms.

How can I track the performance of my music on digital platforms?2024-05-11T04:11:15+00:00

We provide all our clients with access to a dashboard where you can monitor the usage of your tracks, track earnings in real-time, and view detailed analytics about where and how your music is being utilized. This transparency allows you to see exactly what you’re earning and how your music is performing across different platforms.

How can I track the performance and earnings from the Music Library sales?2024-07-15T09:32:38+00:00

We provide all our clients with access to a dashboard where you can monitor the usage of your tracks, track earnings in real-time, and view detailed analytics about where and how your music is being utilized. This transparency allows you to see exactly what you’re earning and how your music is performing across different platforms.

How can I purchase the service?2023-12-07T08:43:42+00:00

To purchase a service, select and order your preferred promotion directly online through our platform. For more comprehensive and customized promotion plans, please contact our expert music promotion team.

How can I get started with Kanjian’s Digital Distribution?2024-05-11T04:11:59+00:00

To begin Digital Distribution with Kanjian, fill in the registeration form below to create your Kanjian account, and select the option “I agree with the Digital Distribution Online Terms and Conditions.” Once you are logged in, simply follow the onboarding steps on the platform to upload and place your music across DSPs of your choice. If you’ve any questions or need help, contact us at:

How can Connected Devices Distribution specifically increase my earnings?2024-04-24T09:34:55+00:00

Connected Devices Distribution can specifically increase your earnings through several key avenues:

Expanded Reach: By distributing your music on connected devices like smart TVs, smart speakers, and electric vehicles, you access a broader and diverse audience. These devices often come with built-in music services that feature curated playlists and recommended tracks, placing your music in front of listeners who are looking for new content but might not have discovered you on traditional DSPs.

Reduced Competition: Since these ecosystems are less saturated than platforms like Spotify or Apple Music, your music faces less competition. This can lead to higher play counts and more exposure, which translates directly into increased royalties.

Direct Licensing Agreements: We facilitate direct licensing agreements with device manufacturers, which often yield better financial terms compared to traditional streaming services. This is because you can negotiate rates that aren’t bound by the standardized payouts typical of popular DSPs, potentially earning you more per play.

Holistic Rights Management: By managing both master and publishing rights, we streamline the process, allowing you to capture more of the revenue generated from your music without needing to split earnings with additional rights management entities. This efficiency not only reduces administrative overhead but also maximizes the financial returns from each track.

Global Market Penetration: As these devices are distributed globally, your music gains international exposure without the need for region-specific marketing strategies. This opens up new markets where your music can earn royalties, further diversifying and increasing your revenue streams.

Does Starcast support video content?2022-08-15T07:09:00+00:00

Starcast supports video distribution to multiple platforms including NetEase Cloud Music, QQ Music, YouTube, Youku Video, Tencent Video, iQiyi Video, Yinyue Tai, IPTV, KKBox, etc.

To see our full list of channels please navigate here

Does Kanjian offer any marketing or promotional support for new releases?2024-05-11T04:10:53+00:00

Yes, Kanjian provides a range of marketing and promotional supports tailored to the specific needs of each release. This includes DSP pitching, social media management, PR campaigns, influencer marketing, and paid advertising, focusing on enhancing visibility and engagement in the Chinese music market. Learn more about our promotional services here.

Can Kanjian claim publishing royalties if it doesn’t represent the full share of rights?2024-05-11T04:02:38+00:00

Absolutely. Kanjian is capable of administering and distributing royalties for partial rights ownership. We collect and remit royalties corresponding to the specific share of rights you have authorized Kanjian to manage, ensuring you receive your fair share of earnings from every applicable use.

Can I provide music that includes covers and remixes for the Music Library?2024-05-11T04:05:30+00:00

Yes, we accept covers and remixes, provided that the necessary rights and licenses are in place. However, specific restrictions or requirements may apply depending on the intended use and distribution channels​​.

Can I distribute music videos along with my tracks?2024-05-11T04:11:37+00:00

Yes, Kanjian’s digital infrastructure supports the distribution of video content.

Can I choose specific countries or platforms for my music distribution?2024-05-11T04:12:58+00:00

Absolutely, Kanjian empowers its clients to select specific platforms or regions for their music distribution based on their target audiences and strategic preferences. With an expansive array of DSPs both within China and internationally, Kanjian facilitates tailored distribution strategies that align with your unique setup and goals.

Are there specific regions or markets where this strategy works best?2024-04-24T09:34:39+00:00

While this strategy has global applicability, it’s particularly potent in areas where connected devices are popular and still proliferating. China, as the leading manufacturer and exporter of these devices, is a primary market, but the reach is truly global. As these devices are exported and used worldwide, your music gains international exposure, not just in established markets but also in emerging ones.

Are there any upfront costs or fees involved?2024-04-24T09:36:04+00:00

There are no upfront costs for transitioning to Microsync Distribution. We operate on a commission basis, meaning we only earn when you earn. Our fees are transparent and tied to the revenue generated from the sync licenses we secure for your music.

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